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Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs)

假设你的财务目标包括收入和为继承人留下遗产. In that case, 与一个熟悉你的许多选择的金融专业人士合作是很重要的, including older tools.

授予人保留年金信托(grat)在2000年美国联邦法院的一项有利裁决后开始流行.S. Tax Court toward a wealthy family in the retail business. This ruling allowed for zeroed-out GRATs, 为此,年金支付将原始资产返还给授予人, leaving only the appreciated value for the beneficiaries. You don't need to be a billionaire to take advantage of a GRAT, 哪个对不同收入水平的个人和家庭都有潜力.

GRAT是一种金融工具,用于减少对家庭成员的大额金融礼物的税收. 它涉及在特定时期内创建不可撤销的信任, transferring assets into the trust, and paying an annuity to the grantor each year. When the trust expires and the final annuity payment is made, 受益人以最低或没有赠与税的方式获得资产. grat可以是转移财富的一个有价值的工具,同时最大限度地减少赠予税义务. 它们允许授予人将资产增值转移给剩余的受益人, 减少受遗产税影响的授予人资产的价值. A GRAT is established for a specific number of years.

Typically, 授予人在特定年限内设置零补助, 其中年金流的现值等于用于资助GRAT的财产的总价值.1 This means that the remainder interest has a value of 0, making it a zero-value gift for tax purposes. 在最后一次年金支付后,GRAT中剩余的任何资产转移给剩余的受益人,而不产生赠予税.1

When setting up a GRAT, the grantor contributes assets to the trust, 但是——这是至关重要的部分——授予人保留在信托期限内获得所捐赠资产原始价值的权利, along with the rate of return specified by the IRS. When the trust ends, 剩余的资产(原始资产的增值减去国税局假设的回报率)归受益人所有.1

There are risks involved with GRATs. If the grantor dies before the trust expires, the assets become part of their taxable estate, and the beneficiary receives nothing. Additionally, 如果资产贬值或美国国税局假设的回报率较低, the GRAT may not provide the intended advantages.
grat对有重大遗产税责任的个人最有用, 包括那些通过将增值转移给继承人来冻结其财产价值的人. For example, 如果有人期望资产在两年内从1000万美元增长到1200万美元, 他们可以将200万美元的差额转移给继承人,而无需纳税.

grat在拥有初创公司股票的个人中特别受欢迎,因为IPO股票的股价增值通常超过国税局假设的回报率. 这允许更多的钱转移给受益人,而不影响授予人终身免征遗产税和赠与税.
From an income tax perspective, 在GRAT期限内,授予人负责GRAT的所得税义务. During the remainder of the term, 纳税义务可以直接由授予人承担,也可以由信托支付, depending on the structure.

In recent years, there have been proposals to limit the benefits of GRATs, 因此,个人可能希望在任何潜在的立法通过之前利用这一策略.

The reason the GRAT remains popular is clear: For many, 这些信托创造了一种可靠的方法,可以将税收降到最低,并将财富传给后代. Despite being relatively under the radar, 它在那些寻求维持财务状况的人中间仍然有效和普遍.

1., September 19, 2023

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